Watch this informational video on the Sacrament of Baptism
Infant and Child Baptism
Infant and Child Baptism at St. Albert's
Who Can Be a Godparent?
The responsibility of a godparent is to help the baptized person lead a good Catholic life. The godparents promise to be an example in their own life and lead a Christian life that reflects the spirit and teachings of our Catholic Religion.
• The godparent is at least 16 years old
• He/she has received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Proof may be asked in the form of sacramental certificates.
• If married, has to be not only civil married, but also married by the Catholic Church.
• The godparent has to lead a life of faith. Regularly attend Sunday Mass and receive Holy
Communion and Confession frequently.
• The godparent must not be bound by any canonical or church penalty.
• There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor, or one of each.
Infants to Age 7
Baptisms for infants and children up to the age of 7 years are generally held during any of the weekend Masses. Parents and godparents are required to attend a baptism class.
These classes are held every third Saturday of the month in the parish gathering room.
English at 10:00 am
Spanish at 11:00 am
Children over the age of 7
The Church considers children over the age of seven as being of catechetical age (i.e., they are capable of receiving instruction on the sacraments and their faith). As such, they are prepared for baptism through the parish school or parish Religious Education Program (CCD). If you have a child over the age of seven who you wish to have baptized, please contact the church at 775- 747-0722 or via email to make the necessary arrangements.
Adult Baptism
An unbaptized adult becomes a Catholic through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). These individuals journey with a sponsor and RCIA team members over a period of time: inquiry, instruction, sharing faith and life experiences, and conversion. Participants prepare themselves to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist using the Bible, the Sacred Liturgy, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Participants meet weekly regularly. Parish members serve as team members on the journey of faith. If you or someone you know are interested in being baptized, please contact see the RCIA page.
Godparent Requirements
What are the requirements to be a godparent? A godparent should be a confirmed Catholic Christian who is at least 16 years of age and who faithfully practices and believes in the Catholic faith as a participating member of a parish community.
How many godparents should there be? Church law only requires you to have one godparent; however, it has been a tradition to have two.
Can the same godparents have responsibility for more than one child in the same family? Yes, as long as they take seriously their responsibility and intention to help the children grow in faith.
What gender should the godparent be? If you choose only one godparent, you are free to choose a male or a female. However, if you wish to have two godparents, there must be one male and one female.
Can a non-Catholic serve as a godparent? A baptized, non-Catholic may serve as an “official witness” to the baptism only if there is a proper Catholic sponsor who fully meets all requirements of a godparent. The non-Catholic who is selected as a witness should be an active and participating member of his/her church community. During the baptism, a non-Catholic witness may perform all the parts of the ceremony that a godparent does. His or her name will be entered into the Sacrament Record Book as an “official witness”, together with the name of the godparent.
What is the difference between a godparent and a witness? Canon (Church) Law describes a witness as “A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community.” A godparent is a confirmed, practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church.
Can someone serve as godparent by proxy (stand-in) if the godparent cannot attend the baptism ceremony? If a godparent cannot attend the baptism ceremony, a proxy can stand in for the missing godparent. That person's name will be entered as a “proxy” in the Sacramental Record Book, along with the name of the missing godparent.
Please choose the appropriate form below to apply as a Godparent.
If you are a potential Godparent and attend St. Albert the Great, please complete the form below. The form will automatically be submitted to the church office once it is completed.
If you are a potential Godparent and do not attend St. Albert the Great: