School Location & Phone Number
1259 St. Alberts Drive
Reno, NV 89503
School Hours
Our center is open from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. If you are late picking up your child, you will be charged $1.00 per minute. This fee is paid directly to those who wait with your child.
Door Code
For security purposes, each child is given a code directly attached to their name. The office will issue a code, or they may choose a personal code, if they wish.
Arrival and Departure
Parents are responsible for walking their child(ren) into the center and dropping them off at the classroom(s).
Anyone can drop a child off at school, but only those authorized by the parents are able to remove a child from our center at any time. Please advise your designated person(s) to carry ID so we can verify their identification. If you know a different person will be picking your child(ren) up, please inform the front desk.
All children will need to bring a cold lunch to school. Please label your child's lunch box. Refrigerators are available in all rooms but the Bumble Bees' room. In our Bumble Bee room, it is recommended to have lunch equipped with an ice pack. We may warm lunches for 30 seconds or less. We are prohibited from fully cooking any meal in our center. This is based on the regulations provided to us by the Washoe County Health Department.
We will provide morning and afternoon snacks. Snacks will be served with either milk or water. Please let your child's teacher know about any food allergies. Our snack menu changes seasonally, and parents will be notified before the change to ensure your child can eat the items served. If your child has severe allergies to various foods, we ask that you bring in a snack they can eat. If your child has special dietary restrictions, we ask you to bring in an appropriate item for your child to eat.
Some examples of our snack items are:
You will find a current snack menu in your packet.
Children enrolled in early childcare programs are required by state law to be given a rest period. Some of our friends need a nap, while others just rest. We will help your child settle down by patting their back and listening to soft music. Children rest on a foam mat on the floor. Please bring your child a crib sheet and a blanket to help them rest. Cribs sheets help your child from directly touching the vinyl mat surface. Please take the sheet and blanket home on Friday to be laundered and then return them on Monday.
Every child is assigned a cubby where all necessary items are stored. Please make sure all items are labeled with your child's name. Please check with your teacher to see what items are needed in your child's classroom.