St. Albert the Great Church
The Diocese of Reno and the St. Albert the Great Catholic Community are committed to the safety of our children and vulnerable adults. We are in full compliance with the Dallas Charter and remain diligent in maintaining this compliance.
Through the “Protecting God’s Children” program we train all adults who are employed as well as those who volunteer within our parishes, schools and agencies who have contact with children. This training helps all to be more aware of how to protect children and vulnerable adults, and the possible warning signs of abuse and neglect.
“Every smile from a child is a precious gift.”
It is the policy of the Diocese of Reno that all paid personnel of the Diocese and all volunteers who have any contact with minors in the performance of their duties must complete the following requirements before working or volunteering in our parish.
Must attend a Training Class:
Completing a Protecting God’s Children 4.0 Awareness Session is required by the Diocese of Reno. You may take an Awareness Session online or Live through a trained facilitator. Volunteers are required to complete a follow-up process of reading one brief bulletin each month for a total of twenty-four and a recertification review.
Must complete a Background Check:
Electronic background checks are required for all volunteers and will be renewed every five years. In addition, fingerprint background checks are required for some school volunteers (contact your school principal for more information).
Must attend a Training Class:
Completing a Protecting God’s Children 4.0 Awareness session is required by the Diocese of Reno. You may take an Awareness Session online or Live through a trained facilitator. Monthly bulletin completion is required for the duration of employment as well as a completed recertification review (after 24 bulletins).
Must complete a Background Check:
Electronic background checks are required for all employees and will be renewed every five years. In addition, fingerprint background checks are required for school employees (contact your school principal for more information).
Must complete a Healthy Relationships for Teens 2.0 Module with Safe Environment Component training in lieu of the Protecting God’s Children 4.0 Awareness Module
For more information regarding the Diocese of Reno/ Safe Environment please go to: http://www.highdesertcatholic.org/safeenvironment
“Thank you for all that you do,
together we can make a difference in people who cannot defend themselves.”
For more information please see contact info below:
Elda Juarez
Executive Administrative Assistant
Protecting God's Children