Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions- Remembering a Loved One

You may request a Mass for any of the following special intentions.

(Mass intentions need to be requested at least two weeks prior to the requested date.)


  • for the living
  • for the deceased
  • in thanksgiving
  • for an anniversary
  • for a birthday
  • for healing
  • or for a special intention of your own choosing


You may request a special intention for a Mass in any of the following ways:

The parish office will check the availability of your request and get back to you with either a confirmation or suggested alternative dates if your date and Mass is already taken.

A donation of $10.00, either by check (payable to Saint Albert the Great) or cash is customary when requesting a Mass.

Your Mass intention will be published in our bulletin and announced at the Mass by the celebrant.

Thank you.

Mass Intention Request Form

Mass Intentions for this week

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