It’s YOU!
The parish family is the body that makes it a unique and vibrant community with an exciting parish life. Our parish offers a variety of ways to be part of our St. Albert's family, in addition to the celebration of the sacraments.
Faith formation is a vital element of the Catholic life as we grow in knowledge and understanding of our faith in Jesus Christ and the Church he gave us. A deeper understanding can lead to a more intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and through the Trinity to the Church and our family, friends, neighbors, parish, and community. Such faith formation is not just for children, but for all of us as we grow as Catholics. Our parish has many opportunities for faith formation that we encourage you to explore.
Another way to participate in our parish life are the various parish ministries, including worship ministries; social justice ministries, such as visiting the homebound, serving the poor, and volunteering at food pantries; as well as others, such as youth ministries, men's and women's groups, and different cultural ministries, just to name just a few. Together, we bring St. Albert The Great Parish, School, and Child Development Center together with our outreach programs and special events year-round. We offer all a ton of different ways to help and connect us all together. Please prayerfully consider these opportunities for getting involved.
With so many ways to be part of parish life, you'll want to stay informed by regularly reading the weekly bulletin and social media posts. You’ll also want to check the parish calendar for a list of events and mass schedules.
“Parish Life is completely powered and successful because of volunteers like you”.
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